VIDEO: Theme park Majaland Kownaty opened in a most spectacular way

Veröffentlicht am 29 September 2018

After years of intense preparation, Plopsa and Momentum Capital presented the brand-new theme park, Majaland Kownaty, to the public this evening. The construction of the park has a price tag of 20 million Euros.

Plopsa has a brand-new park as from today! Majaland Kownaty, the very first Polish park within the international theme park group, was presented to the general public by means of an animated opening show today . Numerous international guests attended the official opening. “We have been looking forward to this moment for a long time.”, Steve Van den Kerkhof, CEO of the Plopsa Group beamed happily. “The result is wonderful, we are therefore extremely proud of what our investment and construction teams have accomplished.”  

Martijn van Rheenen, CEO of Momentum Capital, is also very satisfied: “The opening of Majaland was a team effort to which the local authorities and community, the team in Poland, the awesome expertise of Plopsa and Studio 100, Momentum Capital and its co-investors all contributed. Moreover, we are going to cater for the market with the first real theme park in Poland. That we were honoured to realize this together with Studio 100 and Plopsa makes us extremely proud!”  

Studio 100 founders Gert Verhulst & Hans Bourlon were also present to celebrate the result of the collaboration between the Dutch investment group Momentum Capital and Plopsa. “Maya the Bee is immensely popular in Poland. The realization of a park around Maya, supplemented with many other Studio 100 figures, fits perfectly into our 360° model, explains Gert Verhulst. “The opening of Majaland Kownaty also fits perfectly in with our ambition to continue to grow.”  The opening party was concluded with a breath-taking fireworks display.  

Future plans  

Moreover, a new investment was announced during the festive opening show. For example, the construction works for the construction of a new attraction in the form of a wooden roller coaster have recently been started. It will be the very first wooden roller coaster in Poland. The price tag of this new showpiece amounts to 7,5 million Euros.

All further information can be found in the press file via the following link:

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Gunther Tijsmans

+32 (0)58 42 98 96

+32 (0)473 31 32 13

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Über Plopsa

Plopsa, die Themenparksparte von Studio 100, hat derzeit 8 Parks in ihrem Portfolio. Die Plopsa-Parks verbinden die Magie der Charaktere von Studio 100 u. a. mit dem Spaß vieler erstklassiger Attraktionen in einer einzigartigen, themenbezogenen Umgebung. Zusammen zählen die Parks mehr als 3.5 Millionen Besucher pro Jahr. Der Großteil der Aktivitäten befindet sich in Belgien mit 2 Außenparks; Plopsaland De Panne und Plopsa Coo, den Indoor-Themenparks Plopsa Indoor Hasselt und Plopsa Station Antwerpen und den Wasser-Themenparks Plopsaqua De Panne und Plopsaqua Hannut-Landen. Neben den Freizeit- und Wasserparks betreibt Plopsa auch einen Plopsa Shop in Wijnegem, das Plopsa Hotel mit 117 Zimmern, das Plopsa Village mit 24 Themenchalets und einem Campingplatz sowie das Proximus Theatre in De Panne. Die Plopsa-Gruppe ist auch auf internationaler Ebene tätig. So eröffnete die Gruppe beispielsweise 2010 ihren ersten Indoorpark in den Niederlanden, Plopsa Indoor Coevorden, und in Deutschland erwarb sie den Themenpark Holiday Park. Darüber hinaus investiert Plopsa Jahr für Jahr weiter. Das Angebot an Attraktionen in den bestehenden Themenparks wird in den kommenden Jahren weiter ausgebaut, ebenso wie die Anzahl der Standorte, an denen Plopsa tätig ist.

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