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Gunther Tijsmans
+32 (0)58 42 98 96
+32 (0)473 31 32 13
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O Holiday Park Germany
Holiday Park, the German Plopsa park near Mannheim, is the perfect getaway! More than 30 sensational attractions and a unique combination of shows and live acts ensure endless fun for all ages. The littlest ones can experience their first fluttery stomachs at the brand-new Holiday Indoor with attractions like Mia’s Elv Flight and Tabaluga’s Rollercoaster or knock themselves out at the outdoor attractions like the Balloon Race or Fisher Boats. For whoever loves a challenge and gets a kick out of action and speed, the bigFM Expedition GeForce with a top speed of as much as 120 km/h is certainly worth a ride. In need of even more thrills? Experience the feeling of complete weightlessness in the mysterious Anubis Free Fall Tower or feel goose bumps with the Sky Scream launch coaster as it takes you up to 55 meters in no time!
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